Sunday, June 6th, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.
Virtual performance; online only
Join us as we celebrate a return to in-person choral singing. Moving our program to an outdoor venue creates an opportunity for us to introduce music that honors the beautiful, sacred environment in which we live. This concert will feature music by Antonio Estevez, Libby Larsen, Abbie Betinis, and more.
We will revisit some of our favorite repertoire from the past and explore traditions with new music for this program. Of particular note are two works chosen to highlight the venue for this concert - the water conservation garden. This set will feature "To Stir Up Our Wits," by Greg Brown from his work, Vidi Aquam (I Saw Water), and "We Pray to Be At Peace" from Libby Larsen's innovative work Missa Gaia (Mass for the Earth). Both pieces reflect on the importance of preserving and appreciating the beauty of our natural world. The program will begin and end with the chorale singing texts by American poet Langston Hughes. The final piece, "I Dream A World" by André J. Thomas, imagines a world where we embrace each other for our differences, looking forward to a moment when we can set aside greed and scorn, inviting a place for peace and love.